

Why Serplus is effective

  • Written by Riccardo Raggio
  • Category: HealingWisdom
  • Hits: 8678

Physics teaches us that in complex systems the relationships between different elements generate new properties not related to those of the individual elements themselves. Although the human body is certainly a complex system, this approach has not been applied much in medicine, that, until now, with a botanical approach, has divided the body into organs independent from each other.

Nutritional role:

Yet, a banal evidence of the bowel-brain connection is in nutrition. Some of the neurotransmitters, among the molecules essential for brain functions, derive from essential amino acids, namely those that derive exclusively from the demolition of dietary proteins. For example, brain serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline from tyrosine, while the decarboxylation of histidine results in histamine, which is uptakedby the brain.

All dietary amino acids are decarboxylatedby intestinal microbiota. A dysbiotic flora decarboxylases excessively them, tryptophanand tyrosine, too; this reduces their brain uptake and, as a consequence, the synthesis of  neurotransmitters of which are the precursors. Furthermore, these amino acids all compete for the same access to the brain, so the chancefor them to be captured depends on their plasmatic concentration ratio. So a greater decarboxylation of tryptophan favors the uptake of tyrosine, in this waythe tryptophan dysbiosis is essential for our survival: in case of danger the decreasing in brain tryptophan uptake, that make us anxious decreasing brain serotonin synthesis, carry out to an increasing of brain tyrosine uptake. In this way anxiety is a positive response to stressors, because increases brain dopamine, which makes us more skillful, of norepinephrine which makes us  smarter, and of adrenaline which makes us stronger, then more capable of facing danger.


It is evident as the Acute Phase Reaction to a stressor (APR) is a positive response, but if the dysbiosis becomes chronic – in other words if the bowel, like a worn out spring, fails to restore the initial conditions – the person falls into a Chronic Phase Reaction (CPR), which has been called the "mother of all diseases"[1].

The role in self-repair process

The cause of this fragility is that tryptophan controls also the brain synthesis of NPY[2], a neuropeptide that controls the processes of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, thus the brain's ability to self-repair[3]. For this reason some neurological diseases, i.e. depression, are more frequent in woman than man.

The role in immunity

Tryptophan controls also immune response, which in women decreases cyclically to avoid an antibody attack to a possible fetus[4].


The corresponding decrease of serotonin leads to the well-known pre-menstrual syndrome. The women's intestine is therefore forced to work more than the men's, and it wears out more easily.


If this happens, the level of tryptophan cannot return to normal levels, which reduces brain NPY, thus the plasticity of the central nervous system.

The role in cell degeneration


Besides, tryptophan controls also cell death by apoptosis[5]. Our survival is based primarily on the ability of our body to repair damages from external environmental causes. For example, we can repair DNA directly or indirectly damaged by radiation thanks to the well-known free radicals. This task is assigned to the intestinal microbiota, an army 10 times as many as us. The microbiota generates "tailor" molecules, capable of detecting DNA damage and repairing it[6]. If this action does not occur, cellular degeneration is induced, to allow rapid identification of the problem and to let the antibodies eliminate the deteriorated cells by apoptosis[7]. Nowadays, anti-cancer therapies are based on the control of degeneration: perhaps restoring the rifle of apoptosis would be more effective.

The role in autoimmune diseases


Lymphocyte production takes place in a causal way: we produce antibodies against nothing, against ourselves, and against real enemies. Then, in the process of maturation, we test them and discard the wrong ones, which are 97% of the production. We eliminate them inducing  their death by apoptosis. The loss of this ability to clean up the antibodies becomes a big problem especially in subjects with high intestinal permeability, since they have a high production of antibodies. Then many auto-antibody  will remain in the circulation.


 So the higher incidence of autoimmune diseases in women is not due to a greater propensity of their immune system to "go crazy", but to a reduced capacity to clear the antibody production from antibodies produced against ourselves.


Despite the fact that we know a lot about it, nowadays  the bowel is considered as a postal system, as precise as the Swiss one, able to get what we want where we want (e.g. melatonin to the brain, branched chain amino acids to the muscles, collagen to the joints). The new drugs, even if they will be orally administered, are studied by injecting them into the veins or the peritoneum of animals, and their mechanisms of action are evaluated on isolated cells, using drug concentrations  significantly higher than what would arrive at that tissue when the drug is orally administered .


Yet we know how that the intestine is complex, capable of reacting to stimuli/nutrients and activating complex endogenous response. Recent works show how tissue inflammation is the cause of several diseases, from cancer to neurological and behavioral ones. The inflammation of the brain is reported to be the pathogenic cause, not a predisposing factor, for epilepsy[8], depression, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's[9], autism[10] and so on. The inflammation of the sexual organs is reported to be the cause of their dysfunctions. But Riazi demonstrates how an intestinal inflammation can migrate to other organs[11], [12]. So reducing an intestinal inflammation, even by introducing a "simple" diet, may reduce symptoms of different diseases apparently unrelated to each other[13], [14], [15], [16], [17].


To put in consideration  the axes of communication of the complex system of the human body highlights how diseases are not so much due to the exposure to new pathogens, as to the decreased ability to repair the damage that these continually cause to us.


The endogenous processes of self-repair start mainly from the intestine; keeping it efficient is the greatest form of prevention.




1.    StigBengmark, Acute and ‘‘chronic’’ phase reaction - a  mother of disease. Clinical Nutrition (2004) 23, 1256–1266


2.    Heuther G, Hajak G, Reimer A, Poeggeler B, Blömer M, Rodenbeck A, Rüther E. The metabolic fate of infused L-tryptophan in men: possible clinical implications of the accumulation of circulating tryptophan and tryptophan metabolites. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1992;109(4):422-32.


3.    Benarroch EE. Neuropeptide Y: its multiple effects in the CNS and potential clinical significance. Neurology. 2009 Mar 17;72(11):1016-20.


4.    Carretti, et al. Serum fluctuations of total and free tryptophan levels during the menstrual cycle are related to gonadotrophins and reflect brain serotonin utilization Hum. Reprod. (June 2005) 20 (6): 1548-1553 


5.    McGaha TL, Huang L, Lemos H, Metz R, Mautino M, Prendergast GC, Mellor AL.Amino acid catabolism: a pivotal regulator of innate and adaptive immunity. Immunol Rev. 2012 Sep;249(1):135-57


6.    Cunningham RP. DNA repair: how yeast repairs radical damage. Curr Biol. 1996 Oct 1;6(10):1230-3


7.    McGaha TL, Huang L, Lemos H, Metz R, Mautino M, Prendergast GC, Mellor AL.Amino acid catabolism: a pivotal regulator of innate and adaptive immunity. Immunol Rev. 2012 Sep;249(1):135-57


8.    Vezzani A, Balosso S, Ravizza T. Inflammation and epilepsy. HandbClin Neurol. 2012;107:163-75.


9.    Lima IV, Bastos LF, Limborço-Filho M, Fiebich BL, de Oliveira AC. Role of prostaglandins in neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. Mediators Inflamm. 2012;2012:946813


10.  Donev R and Thome J. Inflammation: good or bad for ADHD. ADHD AttenDefHyp Disorder. 2010; 2: 257-266


11.  Galic MA, Riazi K, Pittman QJ. Cytokines and brain excitability. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2012 Jan;33(1):116-25.


12.  Riazi K, Galic MA, Pittman QJ. Contributions of peripheral inflammation to seizure susceptibility: cytokines and brain excitability. Epilepsy Res. 2010 Mar;89(1):34-42.


13.  Mainardi P, Albano C. Is the antiepileptic effect of the ketogenic diet due to ketones? Med Hypotheses. 2008;70(3):536-9


14.  Mainardi P, Leonardi A, Albano C. Potentiation of brain serotonin activity may inhibit seizures, especially in drug-resistant epilepsy. Med Hypotheses.2008;70(4):876-9.


15.  Citraro R, Scicchitano F, De Fazio S, Raggio R, Mainardi P, Perucca E, De Sarro G, Russo E. Preclinical activity profile of α-lactoalbumin, a whey protein rich in tryptophan, in rodent models of seizures and epilepsy. Epilepsy Res. 2011 Jun;95(1-2):60-9.


16.  Errichiello L, Pezzella M, Santulli L, Striano S, Zara F, Minetti C, Mainardi P, Striano P. A proof-of-concept trial of the whey protein alfa-lactalbumin in chronic cortical myoclonus. MovDisord. 2011 Dec;26(14):2573-5.


17. Russo E, Scicchitano F, Citraro R, Aiello R, Camastra C, Mainardi P, Chimirri S, Perucca E, Donato G, De Sarro G. Protective activity of α-lactoalbumin (ALAC),a whey protein rich in tryptophan, in rodent models of epileptogenesis. Neuroscience. 2012 Dec 13;226:282-8.








  • Written by Super User
  • Category: HealingWisdom
  • Hits: 8401
  • what's inside?

Ultra pure Alpha-lactalbumin, Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), Inulin, Frucotse, Stabilizers, Flavour: caramel.

  • how can I use it?

2 sachets per day. For a complete action on the gut, we recommend taking on an empty stomach, at least half an hour before protein-based meals.

Pour contents into a half-glass of room-temperature water.

  • what is Alpha-lactalbumin?

Alpha lactalbumin is the main whey protein of human breast milks. This protein’s peculiar features lie in its exceptionally high tryptophan yield. Tryptophan is the only serotonin precursor and poor of the amino-acids that compete for its brain uptake (from blood to brain), i.e. LNAAs (Large

what are whey proteins?

Whey proteins represent an exceptional food: they are the main known natural source of branched chain amino acids, they enable an immediate feeding, they are complete of all of the essential amino-acids (i.e. the ones our body can not synthesize) and they enable an effective control of body mass. Whey proteins do not precipitate in stomach, and arrive at the gut completely demolished to peptides that freely pass through the intestinal membrane. Their demolition goes on in blood, until they become free amino-acids.

  • why Pure Alpha-lactalbumin is so special?

Alpha-lactalbumin has been selected by nature as intestinal prebiotics for man.

Human newborns receive this protein by breastfeeding as a unique neurovegetative and intestinal maturation promoter.

Alpha-lactalbumin’s main features are tolerability, digestibility, solubility, a high nutritional power, top bioavailability. It has the higher essential Tryptophan yeld than any other protein.

  • how it works?

Alpha-lactalbumin is responsible for the activation of intestinal absorptive/defensive processes, through the control of bacterial flora and the reduction of gut’s permeability, that is maximum at birth. Through these intestinal actions, it allows key neurotransmitters and neuropeptides to arrive at the brain: they modulate the newborn’s brain development. From its enzymatic demolition, 4 peptides with intestinal antibacterial action have been identified. It stimulates mucus secretion, the release of prostaglandins and it controls gut’s pH. Intestinal microbiota is sensitive to variations of 1/10 of pH units. Oral supplementations of Alpha-lactalbumin can increase serotonin brain synthesis and it's well known that a brain serotonin deficit is known to be the reason of many neurological symptoms.

FOS and inulin actually feed the intestinal cell, enabling it to better respond to Alpha-lactalbumin’s stimulations, that are useful to the growth’s support and development of an appropriate intestinal flora.

Serplus' special formulation has been expressly designed to improve intestinal dysbiosis, in a natural way, as nature has set up, thus favouring the arrival at the brain of key neurotransmitters and neuropeptides,  featuring brain control functions.

  • is Serplus a natural product?

Yes, it is completely natural, made with ultrapurified whey extract from milk.

  • is Serplus a safe product?

Serplus is made with a protein design by nature for newborns. It is completely safe. It is suitable for allergic, celiac, intolerant persons. It does not contains lactose o glutin.

  • Where Serplus is manufactured?

The ultrapurification od active principia is made in USA. The product is manufactured in Italy in a laboratory under permission of Italian Ministry of Health.


  • Written by Super User
  • Category: HealingWisdom
  • Hits: 9807

Serplus is a natural nutraceutical. Its main active component is ultra pure natural Alpha-lactalbumin.
This unique nutraceutical has been developed and studied since 80' in Genoa University by Neurology Department Labs researchers.
Serplus formulation is a patented and registered as a food supplement, regulated by the Italian Health Ministry (reg. no. 07 19056-Y).
Serplus has a successful track record in healing and restore gut-brain axis health and physiological equilibria. A consolidated experience based on thousands of successful cases, along with several accurate clinical and academic trials permits Serplus to make positive changes in many people's lives on a daily basis.
Serplus has a multi-level action and it's effective both in healhy people and in several illness treatment.
Serplus first stage action can be resumed with a prebiotic phase, when the physiological pH of gut is restored and mucus secretion is stimulated. This permits to activate a healthy microbiota and heal from intestinal inflammation and leaky gut problems. This first step can have a cascade effect on gut-brain axis system. It is well known that an intestinal inflammation can migrate to other organs: so reducing an intestinal inflammation, may reduce symptoms of several deseases. Particularly, the inflammation of the brain is reported to be the pathogenic cause for several illnesses, so is the inflammation of sexual organs, blood, liver, etc.
Moreover Serplus, thanks to its unique properties and bioavailability can boost the essential tryptophan and correlated neuropeptides levels. Alpha-lactalbumin enteric actions are critical for the further brain growth of newborns, as the brain development depends on the bioavailability of encephalic serotonin. Several studies reports that oral daily alpha-lactoalbumin intakes can increase the brain synthesis of serotonin in a completely natural way. Studies report that the lack of brain serotonin can increase fatigue, depress mood, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, stress, chronic pain, etc.
Several other different omeostatic and biochemical equilibria can benefits from a Serplus daily intake.
We noticed that the endogenous processes of self-repair of human body start mainly from the intestine; Serplus is a highly effective gut treatment by extinguish inflammation, providing at the same time, bioavailable and essential tripeptides and aminoacids that are readlily absorbed by the gut, promoting biosinthesis of vital biomolecules.
Serplus is effective for prevention, healing and improving your health.



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